Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Triumph for Democracy.

So we went to vote yesterday, but neither of us had any idea of whom we wanted to vote for or why. Seriously. I really do try to make some attempt to inform myself about the issues and who and what is on the ballot, but frankly, this year I was even more clueless than usual. I'm not sure how to remedy this. It's probably more important that I pay attention to the local elections than the presidential ones but guess which ones get the most coverage. I have no clue who is running against whom or why and I just ended up voting for the Incumbent if I hadn't heard anything bad about them and Republican otherwise. I wish there were some way to be better informed, though. I don't pay any attention to what the candidates send me in the mail because everyone sends the same things- glossy brochures with the candidates smiling inoffensively and they say things like "Ben Dover is for Families" "Ben Dover puts Georgians first." Sigh. Not exactly a triumph of Democracy, and then- Trey thought Incumbent meant some new sort of party and then got confused when I explained to him what it meant. If they're already in office, why do they have to do this again? he asked.

Also both of us have been sick. I think soon I will write about Tacky behaviour; so if you, my readers, (this means Ed) can come up with good instances of tacky behaviour then we will put them in our blog.


Blogger Ed said...

You can't really ask people to relate instances of tacky behavior--it's like asking people to describe air. Tacky behavior is so ubiquitous that it's hard to notice. Everyone I know, including me, is tacky. I'd rather you tell me what exactly you find tacky. The whole concept is so wrapped up in class that it ends up being kind of arbitrary.

11:46 AM  

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