Friday, January 21, 2005

Bush's World! Party Time! Excellent!

I wasn't going to post again today because of the difficulties I had putting up the earlier post, but then I found this photo of Bush at his inauguration (courtesy of Mr. Lileks) and I had to post it- and discuss it-
To me, this picture illustrates why the country is so divided- Bush is a guy president. He's the guy who bring beer over to watch the game in your basement and talk about issues over a 6 pack and buy tickets to the Van Halen concert. He doesn't do scripts well, he doesn't do nuance, he communicates clearly and simply- and he means what he says. Look at the picture- he's had an entirely spontaneous reaction to being in the spotlight, and something honest, instead of Clinton's crocodile tears, Gore's pedantry, or Kerry's gravitas- which could be false; but if it is authentic, is leaden. Bush doesn't <> necessarily well because he isn't about telling people something politically correct which he can weasel out of later- you aren't going to see him prevaricate like Clinton did- he'd never going to say >>That depends on what the meaning of <> is. If Bush lies, as, admittedly, some people feel, it's going to be a straightforward LIE, not a prevarication, and no lip-biting- he sees his mission as simple and he's going to say what he needs to say to get the job done.
I get this image of Bush and Cheney as a Wayne's World kind of White House- and I can identify with that. Truth be told, the house only recently stopped being a frat house- - - so that makes me see a lot in the president that I can understand.
Looking back at the election, I wonder if the media had supported Dean, how he would have done. I think the reason he didn't win in the primaries was because the media really didn't play his candidacy in a positive light, the way they're currently falling all over Barack Obama.
I'm torn between gloating and hoping that the Democrats get it together and come up with a decent candidate in the next couple of years- and a decent agenda- some POSITIVE vision for the future rather than simply No. I think eventually it will weaken the country if we don't have a better balance.


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