Monday, May 16, 2005

All hail Spencer!

It had to happen sooner or later- it was truly inevitable- that eventually I come up with a painting titled this. It's partially to piss off the neighbours, because of Linda's failed affair with the Texan girl, hee hee. Anyway, it features a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader and the supertitle, I was dreaming like a Texan Girl- so I think it should be attractive. I shall require large quantities of dark blue nail varnish to paint it. I wonder what it would look like if I used sequins instead of nail varnish- - - .

We had a questionable weekend, punctuated by the fact that the rat which was plaguing me last weekend- it was making noise in the bedroom on last Saturday night, and I had a dreadful dream it had chewed through the mattress and was biting me! and then I bought poison for it which it obligingly ate and died. It died UNDER THE KITCHEN CABINET, where it could not be retrieved, and began to stink.
It was a truly unholy stench; on Wednesday I began to get whiffs of it, and then Thursday it was more pronounced, and then by Friday it was unbearable and made me actually sick this weekend. So I had to find a way to get rid of it- the idea that we could wait until it decomposed was, shall we say, not an option. Sheridan said I would have to call an exterminator. I thought about this; I would have to ring someone and have them come out on the weekend, which undoubtedly costs more- . Then I thought I would call Spencer, Willavette's boyfriend, who said the last time he did something that if I needed anything he would come out and do it- I didn't think that he would, but I thought it was worth a try, and he might as well get the money as the exterminator- and I paid him $50 and he came out and did it.
It was a truly ENORMOUS rat, at least 10 inches without the tail, and I think it would have taken quite a bit longer to decay and reek. The house would have been uninhabitable.

I have been ill all weekend as a result; I had to drink whisky and tea to try to feel better! It worked moderately well.

Also it was my father's birthday; I gave him the first season of Futurama and the first season of the Simpsons on DVD and Alex got him some beer. We went to Golden Buddha, on Clairmont road, for dinner, which was terrible. I had something called Hawaiian Duck, which was sweet and sour duck- but the purported duck could have been any kind of meat at all, and was not nice.


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