Wednesday, May 18, 2005

New Joke

I have a new joke, inspired in part by the comment that Cynthia's son got suspended from school for making-
Speaking of eating things- one of my favourite cheap amusements is to go to Buford Highway - isn't it great? and go to their supermarkets and gaze upon all the freaky things that people from foreign countries eat- like mung bean with abalone drink or Big Bird Pork Fu. Right? You can take a trip to an exotic foreign land without all the hassles like having to take off your shoes at the airport or getting exotic incurable diseases. They have really interesting foods, and by interesting I mean things that you would use to play pranks on unsuspecting Americans, like pickled squid eyeballs, or whole pig heads. One of the things I like best is the duck heads after the whole roast ducks have been guillotined, because my imagination just runs wild when I see a duck head, brown, and crispy, and leering. How many pranks can YOU play with a duck head? My question though is that even though they may feature live, depressed looking frogs and what not, their food resembles something like- you know, FOOD. It seems to represent things that are ordinarily encountered in Nature, unlike many of the things that are found in American grocery stores that are called food.
To wit; the lowly Cheez Doodle. No one, encountering this item without prior knowledge of what it is intended to be, would mistake it for food. Its name has nothing to do with food either; cheez? doodle? Is the cheez drawing abstract designs? Are we commanding it to draw abstract designs? Is it the idle drawing produced by cheez? I don't get it. It is exactly like one of those starch packing peanuts, the only difference being that it is coated in this day-glo orange stuff which is supposed to resemble cheez. Now the starch packing peanut, on the other hand, is green, a sort of lettuce green, which is found in nature and indicates edibility; in nature and by humans, orange is used on - monarch butterflies and some other creatures to tell predators to stay away, and traffic cones to tell people to- watch out and stay away. So what are we supposed to learn from the Cheez Doodle?


Blogger Ed said...

But what about oranges? And the mango (since I can't remember whether the plural has an e)? Pumpkins? Sweet potatoes, carrots, some peppers, cantaloupe fruit.... All orange. To say nothing of boysenberries...

11:15 AM  

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