Thursday, September 18, 2008

How is School?

So let me tell you about what all has been happening with me recently (meaning: today), since some of the major car drama has passed.

Well, today I went to the GAWL breakfast and the ever-lovely and successful, per Trey, and I have every reason to concur, Jessica, asks me How's School?

And I make an unhappy Meh kind of noise.

I should let the both of y'all that actually read this and care know what school is like this term.

I am taking four classes, an externship at a non-profit, which I will decline to name, and because this is the busy season at (where I work) I am working like 25 hours a week. Plus going to the Autozone.

Let's discuss classes. I have con law (required), Evidence, (required), Tax (elective) and Corporations (elective).

I really, really hate con law because I have NO idea what is going on in that class. We go through one or two cases every day and all we ever seem to talk about is the separation of powers. I miss the Socratic method- this lecture thing is not working for me because the material is- to say it is dry and difficult? It's like eating an entire Ikea particleboard bookcase. I also miss (My first term contracts' professor and Property professor and Torts professor's) method of here's the rule, here are the elements, here's how you apply it.

I like Evidence because our professor is very engaging and clear. Same thing with tax, and the Corporations professor -let's rephrase what I was originally going to say- manages to make material that would otherwise be dull engaging.

But I am having a hard time keeping up with the work, partially because of everything else that has happened, partially because I am out of brain power time I return home. I've already started stressing about finals but I think after this week, I should be settled into the new term. I have to keep forcing myself to eat as well, because when I get stressed, I don't eat. And I haven't had time to cook.

Olga asked me, rather surprised, was I still going to the GAWL breakfasts?

Well, yes, the people are wonderful and excellent contacts, and if I can just go to sleep before 2, life would be good! And it wouldn't be so bad that I was staying up until 2 except that- I am not exactly being as productive as I should be during that time, but I am- well, let's say I'm preparing for my next trip to Nashville. And today I went to the Dekalb Bar Association luncheon, which was very nice, and best of all FREE because I was a guest, and someone who was the executive assistant to the CEO summed up Vernon Jones' administration, casting a positive light on it. It was certainly more interesting than con law, despite what you doubters may say.

Let me point out early that Alex ADMIRES Vernon Jones because he "has a posse" and is "smooth."

Anyway, so school is- well, I think I may finish December '09 instead of May '10, because with the externship plus the two Austria courses, I have almost an entire semester extra! Yay! If I take one more externship (and hopefully something- more along the corporate/immigration/SEC/Fed reserve lines this time) or one extra course, I'll have piles of credits. A fair amount of it is in fact like eating an entire Ikea particleboard bookcase.

O and let's just not discuss the parking situation. The deck I like best because it has a lift and as y'all know I have to drag half of my house with me everywhere I go fills up by 10. The second deck, which I do not like, has much smaller spaces - although, oddly, this is not a problem, despite the fact that Moby Dick is larger than most NY studio apartments, it fits easily into the spaces- was also full today, and then my third resort, Grady, was also full, so I ended up having to park, like, on the moon! Do not want!

So what about your externship?

Well, the first day I got all dressed up and went, and then I discovered, much to my dismay, that they wanted me to do actual WORK. I was like, ! but look! I'm wearing a suit! I'm the only person wearing a suit! Look how decorative I am and- can't I just make coffee or something? I won't make it chewy unless you want me to!

No, they wanted me to do an actual memo, which- was one of those traumatising experiences the details of which I have done my best to forget. I- um. Let's say I was not proud of what I first came up with, and with good reason, but I did improve on it.

Anyway, I have had a variety of interesting experiences and projects. It is valuable work experience because, as our faculty advisor reminded us, YOU are paying to do this, and I am, not just in tuition but also in - $8 parking each time I go. So I can make mistakes (that I can learn from, mind you!) and they don't have to actually count because- the office seems fairly laid back. The whole deadline thing is- not really happening and that disturbs me. I work BETTER under pressure. I don't have to be completely stressed about the work being perfect the first time.

But there is one lady (out of the 7 people who work there) who has loud speakerphone conversations with her door open, and that annoys me to no end(you have to remember I haven't had to work WITH others in over 8 years). Lady! I do not need to hear about where exactly the person you are ringing went on vacation! Either shut the door or don't bloody speakerphone!

And I was a little miffed because I had expected them to be - well- friendlier- and I thought they would invite me to lunch, and then they didn't.

Then last Friday they DID invite me to lunch, and I was immediately sorry, to the point that I had to get up from the table and pick up everyone's trash and I should have just pretended I had a call and left. But I am too polite, or something.

Why did I object to this? Well, one lady started a sentence with "I'm a socialist because. . . " and I thought, I just can't combat stupidity on such a grand scale- it's like swinging a bat at an aircraft carrier. Christen it, perhaps, with champagne, but not combat it, or even discuss it. And then one gentlemen said he was watching the Republican convention and one lady gave him chills, so I thought, I'd best find out who this is - she is most likely admirable- because she said, "There are people who think Government should be a philanthropic organisation," and he said, "What's wrong with that?" and LAUGHED.

Again, I can't combat imbecility on such a grand scale; that has much to do with why I quit teaching. But remember if Government were responsible for philanthropy, your organisation wouldn't exist because I don't see that a government is going to fund an organisation dedicated to overturning its laws.

There was quite a bit of discussion about self-loathing Log Cabin Republicans.

I shall beg off should they invite me again, it was nice but thanks but no thanks.

In unrelated news, I have a triumph to report! Y'all know I hate-detest-abhor- going to the petrol station because it is boring and full of useless creepy people, not like the elves who may be sort of creepy but are also useful.

Yesterday on the way home from dinner Alex tries to Intentionally Inflict Emotional Distress on me and chortles as he pulls into the petrol station. Backwards, because I also do not like going backwards. Ha ha, he said, now you have to go to the petrol station. But his plan tragically failed in the face of Cruella's indomitability!

How, you ask?

First of all, I had something to read in the back seat, a programme for some play that Alex had seen (in French for some reason) that I had never heard of about airplanes and the displaced. I do not know if it had Dick Cheney pretending to be an airplane, but it should have. Something called Voir un ami pleurer, I think. And I had Ulysses, which I quoted from to prove its incomprehensibility.

Then as he was filling the car up, some man (I hesitate to use the word gentleman) suddenly roars up in a Protege and starts haranguing Alex about what his political views are and asks him a whole bunch of questions. This is not a pollster. This is some random nutjob. Perhaps he was hitting on Alex; that would induce much squirming in Alex.

"He doesn't have any political views!" I shout from the back seat. "you're milking a dry cow!"

This does not deter him. He asks Alex a long series of rapid fire questions, claiming that it is because he has just had a long discussion with his friends and doesn't understand what is going on so had to get someone else's point of view.

Alex does not like this at all; and I gleefully point out to him that that is what he deserves for inflicting the petrol station on me- some random nutjob came and harassed HIM. Ha, ha!

O and I have an additional plan to inflict Emotional distress on Alex, which if I told you about, he would know, but it is a good one. It is like a Beach Ball.


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