Why Trey is STILL not allowed to cook
Yesterday Trey showed me what he packed for lunch. He was very proud of it.
I have two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, he said some carrots, and a raw potato - - -
This last set off alarm bells in my head. You're going to eat a RAW potato? I asked, horrified.
Yes, said Trey, What's wrong with that?
You can't eat raw potatoes! I exclaimed. It will make you sick!
Oh he said. Why will it make you sick?
The starch is indigestible, I think, I said (I really don't know why one cannot eat raw potatoes but I've always heard they will give you a stomachache) . Hve you eaten it before?
Yes! he says. There's nothing wrong with it!
Kiddies, this is why Trey is not allowed to cook. Anyone would think that after 5 years of my excellent cuisine and so forth, he would have some conception of what constitutes edible food and what doesn't. Anyone would think after years and years and years working in the restaurant industry, he would realise that no one, ever, anywhere, is served raw potatoes. Well, I suppose one of the exciting things about living with Trey is that you never really know what to expect; he is full of surprises.
I have two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, he said some carrots, and a raw potato - - -
This last set off alarm bells in my head. You're going to eat a RAW potato? I asked, horrified.
Yes, said Trey, What's wrong with that?
You can't eat raw potatoes! I exclaimed. It will make you sick!
Oh he said. Why will it make you sick?
The starch is indigestible, I think, I said (I really don't know why one cannot eat raw potatoes but I've always heard they will give you a stomachache) . Hve you eaten it before?
Yes! he says. There's nothing wrong with it!
Kiddies, this is why Trey is not allowed to cook. Anyone would think that after 5 years of my excellent cuisine and so forth, he would have some conception of what constitutes edible food and what doesn't. Anyone would think after years and years and years working in the restaurant industry, he would realise that no one, ever, anywhere, is served raw potatoes. Well, I suppose one of the exciting things about living with Trey is that you never really know what to expect; he is full of surprises.
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