Friday, October 28, 2005

Three Strikes and She's Out! ! !

There is reason to celebrate in the conservative blogosphere today; Harriet Miers has withdrawn herself from the confirmation process.

I feel sorry for the lady; I truly do feel bad about excoriating the woman and the beating that she's gotten in the press, because I have no reason to believe she's a bad person and her rejection should be celebrated the way it is. But at the same time, she's NOT QUALIFIED to be on the Supreme Court, any more than I am. I don't really know what qualifies one to be on the Supreme Court- and I suppose she could have an opinion just as much as anyone else does- - but I know she doesn't have the breadth or depth of constitutional experience required for the post. I'm sure she's a wonderful person and a good lawyer, but not Supreme Court material any more than I am. She doesn't have the grounding, I believe, to make the kind of decisions that will determine the future of the country for generations to come.

The press is going to make (if not already making) a big to-do about the fact that she wasn't seen as "conservative enough." That's not why she was so strongly opposed- it had nothing to do with ideology, no matter how strongly liberals want to make it so. Liberals didn't have to oppose her appointment because they figured out the Republicans would do it for them, and did. No one wants to tie themselves to this lead balloon politically, and whether Bush were in trouble or not- people are smarter than to be remembered than voting for an incompetent.

I think that (I HOPE that) this is not a matter of incompetence on the Bushies part, but instead a complicated strategery (intended). My feeling is that they think they'll soften the opposition up by giving them a candidate they have been successful at rejecting and then provide the Real Candidate who will be more conservative and have more of a record and then can argue that they had the milquetoast option, now they have to take what they get. Either that, or they've suddenly lost course entirely.


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