Thursday, October 20, 2005

We Have Yet Another Reason to Hate the Neighbours

You all know that I really, REALLY hate the neighbours, and I realise that hate is a strong word but there just isn't anything else that will do. Is there anything beyond hate, like a nice German word that means something like I-would-give-my-firstborn-child-to-see-them-tortured-to-death-in-the-most-painful-and-imaginative-manner-possible-preferably-involving-both-fire-ants-and-steel-spikes?

I do console myself to some degree with the knowledge that just being them is exquisite torture, but sometimes, that is not enough.

Yesterday, Trey's car broke in the neighbourhood, he was coming home from some friend's house at 5:30 in the morning (no, I was NOT happy about this, so the less said the better). He got round the corner from Delano onto Dusty and apparently all of a sudden (I don't really know the details) the car wouldn't go into gear any longer. It starts but when you try to put it in gear, it goes into neutral. So of course I had to go to work, and was already irritated at Trey, so I did not care to linger to do whatever. He eventually got it pushed to the side of the road with the help of some school children.

Along come the neighbours, see Trey's car, and promptly call the police (I know this because they are the only people likely to have done this and the people in the surrounding houses saw Trey and several of them tried to help him). The police impound Trey's car. It is now going to cost over $200, which neither of us have, to retrieve the car from the impound, plus the $25 one of the ghetto elves said it would cost to repair the car (it is a shifter cable, which is what I thought). I am so angry. This did NOT need to happen. It's bad enough, certainly, that his car broke down but that just adds insult to injury, and greatly inconveniences me. If anyone has any good ideas for, um, how to AMELIORATE this problem let me know. I would have liked to have Sandy come and bitch them out but I think Sandy is still angry, and we wanted to have that party for Saniel (that would have certainly done the trick) but as I mentioned, Saniel are angry.


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