Tuesday, October 18, 2005

We Are All Keynesians Now

I think that what we will do from now on is give the people I know celebrity names. This will serve two purposes; one thing it will do is to somewhat disguise their names so that they don’t get offended when I write things like the Truth. So in future, I will write, for example, “Mr. Squirrel jumped over the fire and hit his head on an outdoor chair, and then lay in the grass and giggled,” and you will all know who I am talking about, or not. I am aware that “Mr. Squirrel” is not a celebrity name, but I can’t think of any celebrities whom “Mr. Squirrel” resembles. If you can think of any let me know. The other purpose is that I am interested in getting more hits; I am captivated by the idea of people reading my blog, and I feel as though if I use celebrity names then that will work. People, I have discovered, are interested in reading about celebrities and they might as well read about MY friends’ dysfunctional relationships as celebrities. Plus you get more real dirt. However, the only problem with this is that I don’t know of many celebrity names; I will have to dumb down my listening/reading material. If you have suggestions, let me know.

So anyway, today we have two couples to write about, one of them being “Sean Penn” and “Madonna,” “Madonna” being the friend who lives up the street and was recalled by “Simon Cowell” with the immortal line, “There’s drunk - - - and then there’s “Madonna” drunk. This is so you know who it is I am talking about.

“Madonna” has been going round and round with Sean for a while- I think you all, even the slowest of the slow, (mr. Squirrel) should understand that I am not talking about the REAL Sean Penn- so I can stop using the quotes- but Sean is a Grade A Garden variety A-hole, and is not nice to Madonna, and we can just not have this. Cruella has to take a stand somewhere, and that means that (other) people cannot be mean to my loved ones. She was all boo-hooing again this weekend about him being a jerk, so I put on my drinking dress and poured her some gin so she would feel better. This led to Sean getting mad at me, also because I gave Madonna cigarettes, and that REALLY made him mad, and he called me on Monday at 6:15 in the morning to yell at me and you can just imagine how much I cared, right? I am NOT part of your relationship, and if you want to be twisted and do the whole slave/dom thing- and the more I see of that the more WRONG it seems, because what kind of mature adult needs to control someone else that badly? That’s not healthy, and Sean won’t let Madonna express her opinion or her thoughts, either, when she says something he says it’s “arguing.” I probably shouldn’t say that if someone treated me like that I would tell them not to let the door hit them on the way out, because God knows that “Mark Wahlberg” did enough not too long ago but he is much better now. Anyway, so here’s the e-mail exchange:


I'm so sorry about that...and i can't help but smile at your brilliant form of expression "He even mentioned obedience to me- well, if he wants the level of obedience he seems to crave he should get a dog." Thanks for making me smile, instead of yelling at me for telling him i got cigarettes from you (sorry! didn't expect this response).

Sean's like a big daddy in many senses..he hasn't gotten past trying to get us all on board, right here, right now. In a sense, i don't think he'd bother if he didn't care and his intentions are good. We'll talk soon...again, i'm sorry...

love you!

Sean called me at 6:15 this morning to yell at me for having given you cigarettes- he said I wasn’t being a good friend, was wishing a horrible death on you, etc., etc., all of which I was impervious to. I am trying to some extent to see things from his perspective; I suppose if someone were giving Mark Wahlberg drugs I would not be happy either and would feel the same way.
I just don’t think he’s going about it in the right way. He’s still talking about y’all’s relationship so I think he’s trying to work things out? I don’t know! He did say you weren’t slave material, which I said I knew THAT, and then he said I didn’t understand the lifestyle, which I think he is full of it. I don’t have to experience the lifestyle personally to understand what his deal is, you and I have discussed it enough. He also said he had ten years of experience in the lifestyle, which may well be, but I daresay they haven’t been an unqualified success, either, because then he might not still be looking. He even mentioned obedience to me- well, if he wants the level of obedience he seems to crave he should get a dog. Not a person. I got this image of the Von Trapp children snapping to attention when their father blew the whistle- . If anybody does I should say I understand much better the challenges of trying to change someone and trying to encourage them, because I’ve done it and I know it takes sympathy, and understanding, and above all patience and not yelling at them and making them feel guilty- which he said how guilty you were feeling, and I responded with how guilty YOU (sean) were making her feel. I tried to tell him that I thought that if he wanted you to be a better person, this is something he should be facilitating, instead of blaming me for being a facilitator, but he did that talking-at-you-thing, which I would care about more if I cared more about what he thought.

From what I can see he has a radically immature view of relationships. Mark Wahlberg can be immature about a lot of things, and he can be very 15 years old when he wants a tattoo or to mosh or whatever but he is very mature about relationships and making them work. Sean is All About Sean and that makes him a Selfish A*hole, and why you or anyone else would want to go through that again please explain to me. You are a dear, extremely Sensitive, patient, caring, loving woman and don’t let this A*hole warp you. He says he’s looking for a slave and you’re too smart for that. I do wish him luck in finding that but don’t waste another minute on someone who isn’t going to compromise and LOVE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE.

Muchas Smoochas,


O you know I’m not going to yell at you. I don’t care what Sean thinks, really. He can try, and he said that since I didn’t promise to not give you any more cigarettes, that you were forbidden from visiting and I should call him back when I’m going to promise that. At which I’m mentally snickering, because he takes himself so seriously and that’s so clueless; his forbidding you to smoke worked so well, didn’t it? I wanted to tell him “You’re not the boss of me!” but I didn’t manage to get in a word edgewise. . .

Sean did tell me that three of his family members died horrible deaths from smoking, and I agreed with him that I didn’t understand it, or I probably wouldn’t smoke, but you know how he is, he does NOT listen. I was trying to explain to him that you are going through a lot right now and that if he were THERE for you in a positive way, you wouldn’t WANT to smoke, or drink, or do any of the things he finds fault with. I find it vaguely amusing that he says it’s all right to go out and party on the weekends, but you party during the week too- because you have a unique job situation that allows you to do that. If I had the same situation, I might do the same thing. And sitting down and drinking the entire bottle at one sitting is not uncommon. You aren’t driving or going to work drunk or missing work days. He can come down and provide an alternative to drinking or shut up.

I agree with you, I think he cares, but I’d rather he cared a little less with the sledgehammer (forte) and a little more pianissimo, with a feather. Also I am not in your relationship with him, so I REALLY do not care what he thinks. I personally think all this slave stuff is very weird, at least the way he is trying to do it. Most people who have any sort of experience in relationships should know that you fall in love with who someone IS, not whom you would like them to be, and then deal with it. The whole I want to control 110% of your life is rather warped, I think. I don’t really think that’s what the whole sub/dom thing is supposed to be about.

Muchas mas smoochas,


We never did get to the other couple, which take the 13 letter award this week.


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