Saturday, August 05, 2006

Why Me, God, why Me?

So the reason for the question above is that God sent me another dying baby animal on the porch. Why, God, Why? Surely in all His wisdom, He must realise that we are spectacularly unfit for taking care of animals, right? I mean, we've done so well with the poor dog, right?

No, then He sends me a kitten, so tiny it would fit in the palm of your hand and with its eyes still closed, mewing piteously for its mother and scrabbling blindly about.

This made me feel just awful. I can't stand to see poor innocent creatures suffer. I do love animals, although several people would say I am better at that in theory than in practice.

I hoped that this kitten's mother would come back and rescue it, and it had just moved the kitten part way - you know how cats move kittens- but I waited, and the mother kitten didn't, and it was mewing to make my heart break. So I called Sheridan.

Sheridan once rescued some sort of horrible vicious stinging bug from freezing to death, so she would be a good candidate for rescuing a tiny kitten. She talked to some people online and eventually found someone named Shanna? who agreed to take the kitten and take care of it. we also went to Kroger and got some skim milk to feed it and then this lady was supposed to come and get it. So I hope she did, it would make me feel much better.

We are still trying to rent out our spare room. I painted it beige (yuch, but that's the colour I had) and put up a ceiling fan and then I have been making curtains. This necessitated a trip to IKEA to buy curtain rods and such, and somehow I managed to talk Alex and Sara into taking me to IKEA- I actually needed Sara's advice about how to decorate my windows and what to put up. On the way to IKEA, Sara was talking about how she had to go to the doctor, something about cholesterol, and she might have to go on a special diet.

Or what, I wanted to know, you seem very healthy.

Or I might have a stroke, she said.

I did not believe this. You can't have a stroke, I said, only old people have strokes.

No, she said, I've seen babies have strokes.

Well, you're well past THAT point, I said, I don't think you should worry about that.

I might have to eat a special die, she said.

What is in the special diet, I wanted to know.

O there are a lot of things you can't eat, she said. But I can't eat fish anyway - - - (She's allergic to fish)

I had been waiting for this all week! I'M allergic to PUSSY, I announced, If I eat one-little-tiny-bit of it- my throat will swell up and I could DIE.

Alex nearly drove the car into a bridge abutment.
There are good reasons for having dumb people around you. Smart people always say the "right" things, and the "right" answers which is a fairly narrow and uninteresting range of things, but dumb people might say or do any damn thing. This makes for MUCH more interesting conversation.

Note: I am not saying that this person that I am about to mention is dumb, I am just saying that they have interesting, um, "outside the box" opinions. Ok? Not dumb, just, 'outside the box."

This certain person that I know expressed the interesting view that "before the Flood in Biblical times, they were all advanced and had high technology, but then the Flood also covered it up." This person also said that "in the 1970's and '80's, we were all primitive and stuff." Like way back in 1972, people were still debating about whether or not fire was a good thing, and pounding mastodons to death with boulders. The best part of this experience was when Alex started rocking back and forth like Rain Man, and then I said Don't DO that, and then this other person started to do the same thing. Then he told us a story about how some Japanese dude wins some hot dog eating contest by shimmying to move the food about better, and demonstrated this in public, for quite some time. Everyone in the restaurant turned round and pretended not to stare.

Trey read the posting about the raw potato, and now has the ambition of coming up with increasingly inedible food combinations. He announced this in tandem with his latest accomplishment, dipping a hot dog into a jar of peanut butter and eating it.


Blogger Ed said...

Trey is a culinary visionary, and why you can't understand that, I'll never know. I call you Monokitchen. J'ACCUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1:49 PM  

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