Saturday, May 09, 2009

Cruella Holds Three Babies At Once!

Cruella, is it smart for you to put pictures of yourself on your blog? Because- you write things that might get you in trouble.

I just don't know, I figured this was ok. Everyone in law school already knows so.

Cruella, why are you holding those babies all floppy? I do not think I want you to hold my baby if you are going to hold them all floppy like that.

Well, Julio's baby, Nolan, is quite large and floppy. Nasir is also floppy. - They are- about 6 months old? So they are just two big bundles of flop. Jaden, the three year old, is less floppy, but she wanted to participate in the snuggle fest. Olivia also wanted to participate. She is not floppy. Babies love Cruella and Cruella loves babies!


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