It's Picture-riffic! Plus, Alex is Tormented.
And look at my Birthday! No, better yet, look at Alex, who for some reason looks like he is about to Account For Satan. (Account for Satan, would that be a good name for a heavy metal band?) And he looks like that in the other pictures too.

Look! That's the heart shaped bone I found in my Pozole at Christmas, giving me Hope, (the good kind, not the Barack Obama kind) for this year. Maybe I will find love!
No, Cruella, you are more likely to find whatever is more debased than "cheap, meaningless sex."
Shut up. At least I try.
Y'all know how I couldn't think of anything cruel to do to Alex for a while?
So I am over my dry phase. I am back to Cruella! I am bizzy plotting things to do to him for his birthday.
Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise. I ahve to post the picture of the cake, but I made him a naked-lady cake with a jam vajayjay- - -
Jam - - -
Yes! He was deeply emotionally distressed. Everyone else thought it was hysterical.
I was going to get all into the falling-out with Freddy and Naomi thing but I don't feel like it today. I find them guilty of first degree stupidity.
Then Lady Thatcher was in a car show.
That was fun.
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