Friday, December 25, 2009


Y'all! yesterday in my pozole, I got a bone shaped like a heart.

I think this is a Good Omen for 2010.

Yes, I did save it, I wrapped it up in a napkin and took it home, and if you ask me, I will show it to you.

No, I do not think that is weird.

This has been a smaller Christmas than I have had in past years, in part because of Bar prep and so on, and I don't feel like I have that many people to purchase gifts for. I bought my Dad and brother some beer that is specially made in Nashville, and- o yes, I went, and you-know-who is just absolutely beside herself angry that I went.

I resent this. She rings me up and is furious that I don't return her calls right away- well, I'm in Bar class, I don't- and that I went to nashville, and accuses me of being so busy doing "your whole gay thing" that I hae no time for her.

First of all I am not so busy doing this whole gay thing. I am busy with Bar class, etc, and secondly, I have a right to want and find love. That's normal. She should be happy for me- and it really irritates me that I don't get the usual pleasantries, like how are you, how is your friend, etc, just gushers of resentment and anger that she doesn't own me and I don't come running every time she picks up the phone.

So in the New Year, I am going to make good on my resolution to drop people who are damaging my life. I wouldn't mind so much if this weren't phrased so often - well, always, as a demand/obligation to drop everything that I like or want to do in favour of her. That makes me deeply tired and angry and resentful, and I think that- at a certain point, when ever time you talk about a person, you're complaining about what they do- there isn't much of a reason to retain the "friendship" anymore, is there?

I will write some more about this soon. Also I Had a really wonderful time in Nashville with "Robin."


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