Sunday, February 07, 2010

Flat Out of Perky

Y'all I am flat out of Perky, all drained from Bar Prep, which has been going on Forever. It is like purgatory. It would be Hellish if it were taught by Hillary Clinton, speaking of whom, it has been frigid, blustery, gray, and damp. This weather brought to you by Hillary Clinton's c*nt.

Hee. Anyway yesterday, first we had a man who was bright orange, like George Hamilton, and I envisioned him going around on the beach asking students about the rules of evidence and the exceptions to the character evidence rule and then kicking sand in the faces of law students who answered correctly.

His orangeness was explained by some of the other students as "He's Hispanic."

No. Hispanics are brown, or yellowish brown, not orange. This dude was- it was not good, and then we had a chap with orange spectacles and an orange wig explain con law to us and I was so sorry.

Frankly at this point, I am very Over It. I'm rather thinking, 94% of Ga Staters pass on the first try or whatever and I've been going to class and I did some practice problems and such so I should pass and to hell with, like, studying hard. All I care about is PASSING. 271 baby! I do not need to get one single point over that. I do not care.

Then I am also low on perky because my new friend that I was writing about? Things were going well with him? Then he got a job in Jacksonville and moved. So I am very disappointed. I am trying to be Positive and say things like, well, at least you had fun, or God is just saving someone really special up for you!

God had better be saving Vin Diesel up for me. That's what I am thinking. And "Robin" is making noises about going back to Memphis instead and is not realistically coming to Atlanta so.

Now I have to try again, and then last night I went to a party and there was a lawyer there I recognised from the Ga State Alumni Happy Hour and I thought, this is MTM as a gay man. He seemed so stereotypically gay, and queeny and demanding and bitchy, there was just something about him that made me think, ew.

Cruella, what about your one friend that came to your birthday?

Well, I just don't think we are- do you remember how Daniel was trying to make fun of me for being the catcher? Yah. I will explain this further if you really want to know.

And speaking of MTM, I think our DD did me a favour because I have not heard from her sinc ethe party, and it was - I am lacking in the courage to tell someone, I am done with you, but DD certainly did.

Cruella, what is DD?

Designated Drunk.


Anyhow, it was just time for that to end, I was getting jack squat out of it, really, and although she has many good qualities, it's just- when you don't ask someone how are you, how are things going, but just demand their presence, it's like, you're my dog and must come running when I call. No, I think people get over that.


Anonymous Robin said...

Ok, So here is another half truth.I am thinking of going back to Memphis if I can't find a job in the next 6 weeks. Else, I might go to ATL ,San Diego ,etc..but one thing is for sure. I am dont like Nashville..

4:55 PM  

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