Monday, October 31, 2005

Museum of Idiocy

I should start a museum of idiocy. (No, I am NOT going to be the star attraction! but I can think of a few people who would be.) We are reviewing for a quiz, so I put the things that are going to be on the quiz on the overhead, and asked the students to fold a piece of paper into three parts and write what they know in the lefthand column, what they sort of know in the middle column, and what they don't know in the right hand column. One of my "needier" students - read, annoying moron- claims not to understand this at all and then asks me, do you fold it like a hot dog?

How do you fold something like a "hot dog?" I don't know what sort of hot dogs this child eats but hot dogs are not what I would call a foldable type of food. Then he asks me if it is supposed to be sort of like a tri-fold. This is after I demonstrate this with my own piece of paper. Arrrgh.


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