Friday, December 25, 2009


Y'all! yesterday in my pozole, I got a bone shaped like a heart.

I think this is a Good Omen for 2010.

Yes, I did save it, I wrapped it up in a napkin and took it home, and if you ask me, I will show it to you.

No, I do not think that is weird.

This has been a smaller Christmas than I have had in past years, in part because of Bar prep and so on, and I don't feel like I have that many people to purchase gifts for. I bought my Dad and brother some beer that is specially made in Nashville, and- o yes, I went, and you-know-who is just absolutely beside herself angry that I went.

I resent this. She rings me up and is furious that I don't return her calls right away- well, I'm in Bar class, I don't- and that I went to nashville, and accuses me of being so busy doing "your whole gay thing" that I hae no time for her.

First of all I am not so busy doing this whole gay thing. I am busy with Bar class, etc, and secondly, I have a right to want and find love. That's normal. She should be happy for me- and it really irritates me that I don't get the usual pleasantries, like how are you, how is your friend, etc, just gushers of resentment and anger that she doesn't own me and I don't come running every time she picks up the phone.

So in the New Year, I am going to make good on my resolution to drop people who are damaging my life. I wouldn't mind so much if this weren't phrased so often - well, always, as a demand/obligation to drop everything that I like or want to do in favour of her. That makes me deeply tired and angry and resentful, and I think that- at a certain point, when ever time you talk about a person, you're complaining about what they do- there isn't much of a reason to retain the "friendship" anymore, is there?

I will write some more about this soon. Also I Had a really wonderful time in Nashville with "Robin."

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

You Should Write Something Nice About Me

"Robin" demanded. We're probably going to get in some semantic argument about "demanded" v. requested, but tough. This is my blog so I get to write what I feel like.

Cruella, why do you call him "Robin" anyway?

Well, it was a reference to "The Bird's Nest" but then another law student, who for professional reasons shall go unnamed- came up with the excellent line, it's because Cruella wears the Batman suit, so- how can I not go with that?

And I do think and say positive things about the people around me, I just tend to tell them to their faces. Then I get to write about the other things that I'm thinking here. So it's not like this is what I'm REALLY thinking, this is just, the other parts of what I'm thinking.

Anyway, I went to visit him for Christmas and bought him a Christmas tree and decorated it (pictures to follow) so what do you think that says? Actions speak louder than words and such. If I didn't really like him, I wouldn't be still going up to Nashville.

And I do, he doesn't drink and is conservative and religious and honest and trustworthy and hot and hard working and family oriented, and we have intelligent and interesting conversations. But, he lives there, I live here, and Hell if I'm taking more than one Bar, especially to go work in Tennessee. People come to Atlanta to work from Tennessee, not the other way round. At least for the time being.

That being said, I really do like Nashville, it's quiet and clean and well kept and seems like a good place to raise a family, I just have to think about my career.

"That isn't very fair to me," "Robin" objects. "You don't have to make any effort."

This is true, partially, but I can't sell my house and I'm not taking another bar for the very unlikely prospect of getting a job in another state, where they already have Vanderbilt.

Anyway, the thing that I am most proud of is the most recent Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress on Alex.

Cruella, aren't you all busy with law school and such?

Yes. In fact, I was busy with Wills Trusts and Estates, when I thought of this. The more I think then the more evil and scheming I get.

So what I did, and the best part of this was I did not even have to leave the house. You know about sexts? Well, you should. And you know the story about Richard Gere and the gerbils?

I wanted Alex to think I had "sexted" him by mistake, and so I texted him,

"You should come over. I bought gerbils."

"Why did you buy gerbils?" he texted back.

"O sorry, I meant that for someone else," I texted in return. Hee.

Alex called me, EXTREMELY worked up. He was so excited he used punctuation. You would have thought I was threatening to come cram gerbils up HIS bunghole.

"WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH THE GERBILS?" He demanded. "Who did you buy them for?" "WHY?"

Then I explained that this was a joke.

Alex was not convinced. He really thinks/thought I was going to do something with the gerbils.


I did not know he cared so much about gerbils. Did you?